6 Reasons to Install Synthetic Grass in Your Gym

Have you ever noticed how impressive and attractive a gym or a fitness center looks when grasses are there? Well, it is not easy to keep real grasses in a place like gym with high foot traffic. However, synthetic turf installation can do that job. Easily replicating the look of real green grasses, synthetic turf gives a more clean and green look to an area.

Synthetic turf installation is becoming more popular in gyms for many good reasons. Let’s look at why it’s such a great choice:

6 Reasons to Install Synthetic Turf in Your Gym

1. Safe for Exercise

Synthetic grass is soft and bouncy, kind of like a cushion. This is really important in a gym where people are moving around a lot. If someone accidentally falls during their workout, the soft surface helps protect them from getting hurt.

2. Good for Joints

Our joints, like knees and ankles, can sometimes get sore when we exercise on hard floors. Synthetic turf is much gentler. When people run or jump on it, it absorbs some of the shock. This means less pressure on the joints, which can help prevent injuries. For people who like to do high-impact exercises, this can be especially helpful.

3. Reduces Noise

Gyms can sometimes be noisy places, especially when people are lifting weights. When weights are put down or dropped on synthetic turf, they make much less noise than on a hard floor. This creates a calmer environment in the gym. With less noise, people can focus better on their exercises and not get distracted.

4. Simple to Keep Clean

Keeping a gym clean is very important for everyone’s health. Synthetic turf is easy to clean, which is great news for gym owners. If someone spills a drink, it can be quickly wiped up. Regular brushing keeps the turf looking fresh and clean.

5. Looks Inviting

A gym with a green, grass-like floor looks fresh and appealing. It’s like bringing a bit of the outdoors inside. This can make the gym feel more welcoming and less intimidating, especially for people who are new to exercising. When the gym looks nice, people might feel more excited about coming to exercise regularly.

6. Works for Many Activities

One of the best things about synthetic turf is that it’s great for all kinds of exercises. Whether someone is doing yoga, lifting weights, or doing push-ups, the turf provides a good surface. This versatility means gym owners can use it in different areas of the gym for various types of workouts.

Which Area Is Best to Install Synthetic Turf?

The cardio area is an excellent place for synthetic turf installation, as it is the area with the most foot traffic. The soft, supportive surface of synthetic turf can make these activities more comfortable and safer.

Another good spot for synthetic turf is the stretching area. After a workout, many people like to stretch or do floor exercises. The grass-like surface feels nice and supportive, making these cool-down activities more enjoyable.

So, if you are a gym owner or like to workout at home, synthetic turf installation can improve a gym in many ways. It’s safe for exercising, comfortable for joints, quiet, easy to clean, looks nice, and works well for different types of workouts. Gym owners who choose to install synthetic turf often find that their members enjoy using the gym even more.


How is Synthetic Turf Installation Done?

Keeping up with a natural grass lawn is a huge hassle. The constant mowing, watering, weeding, airing out—it never ends. That’s why more and more homeowners are choosing synthetic turf.

But you might be wondering – how exactly do they install those lush, low-maintenance lawns? Having synthetic turf put in isn’t like unrolling a giant carpet. As one of the best synthetic turf installation companies in Woodland Hills, CA, Discount Landscape is here to share with you the entire installation process.

Plotting It All Out

The first step is measuring and planning out every last detail of the installation area. The team from Discount Landscape comes over and spends quite a while meticulously measuring the yard’s length, curves, and landscaping areas. We create diagrams that take slopes and drainage requirements into consideration. We also plot the optimal turf roll configuration.

This planning phase is crucial for ensuring the synthetic lawn looks seamless without excess waste. Those turf rolls are limited in width, so any weird angles or obstacles have to be accounted for ahead of time.

Preparing the Base Is the Key

With the planning done, the preparation of the base that supports the synthetic lawn is done. We dig out the entire lawn area down to about 4-5 inches deep, making sure to discard any old grass, roots, and debris.

Next, we start layering in compacted crushed rock and gravel. Each layer gets thoroughly compacted down with a heavy plate compactor machine. This provides a sturdy base that allows proper drainage and prevents future sinking or shifting issues. Ignoring the base preparation is a certain way to quickly cause a synthetic lawn to fail.

Finally, we top it off with a smooth layer of rock dust before carefully mapping out the seam layout.

Turf Time! Cutting, Seaming, and Securing

With the solid foundation set, the synthetic turf installation begins. Our team rolls out the premium turf rolls carefully according to the layout, making sure all the blades face the same direction. We meticulously shape and trim the turf around the trees, flower beds, and other obstacles for a seamless fit.

Any areas requiring turf seams are joined using professional seaming techniques and heavy-duty turf adhesives. To secure the entire lawn perimeter and surface, we nail down galvanized stakes every couple of feet.

The Flawless Finishing Touches

After getting the synthetic turf positioned just right, Discount Landscape’s crew moves on to the installation’s finishing details. This involves meticulously spreading a leveling, stabilizing infill layer of silica sand and rubber granules. The infill weighed down the turf while also allowing the blades to remain plush and upright.

To work everything in, we run a specialized power broom over the entire lawn’s surface. This brushed and groomed the turf fibers upright while pushing that infill material down into the base for a flawless finish. Any potential wrinkles or stray infill material gets cleaned up, leaving you with a stunning final product.

The Benefits are Priceless

The benefits of synthetic turfs genuinely make it worth every penny. You don’t have to push a mower, spend money on water bills, or mess with fertilizers. Your synthetic lawn will look and feel incredible while being pet-friendly and virtually indestructible. Discount Landscape offers plenty of options to pick the precise look, feel, and infill.

If you’re over real grass, call up Discount Landscape. Our synthetic turf installation is all you need to make more time to relax in your life. We handle every step of the process, from planning to perfection.

Why keep spending time and money on real grass? Skip the hassle forever and get yourself a low-maintenance, gorgeous synthetic lawn!
